Now to discuss the checkout process in my library. I had a sign out sheet on a clipboard. Students remembered to checkout the books, when I reminded them otherwise not so much. So first solution for that is mini lesson on classroom library prodigal. Here's how I am considering handling this. My students will have color coded reading response journals. Their journals will be do on certain days of the week. The day your journal is due will be your book shopping day. This will cut down on the number of students in the classroom library and at the checkout computers at any given time. Students will be able to check out 2 books from my classroom library at a time for a 2 week period for their book baskets. Other books will come from our school library.
Computers, you say? That is the next mini lesson I will be teaching. I found this website called Booksource. They offer a free classroom organizer. When I found the site a year or so ago they offered an app for Apple only. This app scans the bar codes on your books and puts them into a database. You can use that database for your students to check out books via your classroom computers and do a short review upon returning them. The database will display guided reading level or AR level just to name a few. This display is customizable by you.
Upon revisiting the site on Thursday I was elated to see that they now have an app for Android. I have began bringing my books home from school, 1 box at a time, to scan them. My goal is to have them all scanned, so that my database is up and running on the first day of school. Wish me luck!
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